In a world that never stops spinning, it’s easy to fall into the trap of constant hustle and overlook the power of slowing down. But what if I told you that taking a step back could actually enhance your life? Whether you’re neurodivergent or navigating a mood disorder like bipolar, creating space in your life can lead to remarkable positive changes. Still skeptical? Let’s delve deeper.

Slow it Down

Society has convinced us that productivity is the ultimate measure of success. We push ourselves harder, longer, and faster, neglecting our need for rest and rejuvenation. But here’s a radical thought: have you considered that slowing down can actually make you stronger?

Do: Take a 10-minute break today to do absolutely *nothing*. Embrace the void.
Don’t: Sacrifice your well-being for an endless to-do list.

Read the Book

In the race against time, we often forget to savor life’s simple pleasures – a breathtaking sunset, a steaming cup of tea, or an enthralling book. By neglecting these joys, we starve our souls.

Do: Set aside your chores for an hour and reconnect with that neglected book.
Don’t: Tie your self-worth solely to your productivity.

Focus on (Self) Love

Amidst the chaos of a busy life, we often lose sight of what truly matters. By intentionally creating space, we can refocus our energy on the things and people that bring us genuine happiness. If you were on your deathbed, what would you regret?

Do: Spend a little extra time loving the ones or things you’ll miss when you’re gone.
Don’t: Delay showing your love until “someday.”

Be More Productive… the Unconventional Way

Counterintuitively, slowing down can unlock new levels of productivity. When we’re constantly busy, overwhelmed, and burnt out, our efficiency suffers. However, when we intentionally pause, we recharge and refocus our energy, enabling us to work smarter, not harder.

Do: Take 10 minutes to slow down and plan your day strategically.
Don’t: Dive headfirst into tasks without thoughtful consideration.

Mental Health Matters

Slowing down isn’t just a luxury; it’s vital for your mental health. If you’re neurodivergent or struggle with mood disorders, creating space in your life becomes even more crucial. Give yourself the time to rest, reflect, and care for your well-being – the benefits will be profound.

Do: Reflect monthly. Celebrate victories, learn from setbacks, and make adjustments.
Don’t: Drift through life without purpose or intention.

5 Ways to Slow Down and Create Space:

  1. Schedule dedicated time for rest and relaxation.
    2. Set boundaries and say no to commitments that don’t align with your priorities.
    3. Cultivate mindfulness or embrace meditation practices.
    4. Immerse yourself in nature and enjoy the outdoors.
    5. Engage in journaling or self-reflection to nurture your inner thoughts and feelings.

Remember, it’s not only okay to slow down; it’s necessary for your overall well-being. Consider integrating some of these tips into your daily routine and witness the positive impact on your life. And always remember, prioritize your mental health and nurture yourself.

5 Resources to help you create more mental, physical, and time space in your life to thrive like the bad b*tch you are.

The links below are *not* partner links; we will not receive credit or financial payment if you choose to purchase. These are products we simply love.

  1. The Silk and Sonder Planner and Journal Combo. A game-changer for intentional living.
  2. Popflex Active yoga mat. Indulge in the peace and serenity that yoga brings.
  3. Yoga with Adriene is a YouTube channel offering free yoga classes for all levels.
  4. Headspace is a popular meditation app guiding you through various situations, from stress to sleep.
  5. Atomic Habits” by James Clear: Unleash the power of small habits that drive significant life changes.

Disclaimer: The authors of this blog are not licensed medical professionals and are not qualified to provide medical advice. The content published on this blog is based on personal experiences and opinions and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice. It is always encouraged to consult with a licensed medical professional before making any decisions regarding your health or medical treatment. If you are struggling with depression or any other mental illness, please remember that help is available – reach out to a healthcare professional, therapist, or support group to ensure you receive the care and assistance you need. Your well-being matters.

Welcome to The Neurodiverse Nook, the online hub of We Humans & Co! Led by authors Christina & Dustin, our blog is a haven for self-help, personal development, inclusiveness, and mental health awareness. At, we empower individuals, celebrate diversity, and promote connection. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and let’s make the world more inclusive, one day at a time.